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अगले 3-5 साल में ये इक्विटी मिडकैप फंड देंगे अच्छा रिटर्न! फंड मैनेजर्स भी लगा रहे हैं दांव

एक्सपर्ट के मुताबिक जो निवेशक कम से कम 5 साल का नजरिया रखते हैं उन्हें ही इक्विटी मिडकैप में पैसे लगाने चाहिए. इस साल मैक्रो इकोनॉमी को लेकर चिंताएं और सेलआॅफ के चलते मिडकै...

Overnight Mutual Fund: 1 दिन में पैसा होता है मेच्योर, सुरक्षित रिटर्न के लिए बेहतर विकल्प

एक्सपर्ट का कहना है कि सुरक्षित रिटर्न के लिए ओवरनाइट फंड बेहतर विकल्प हो सकते हैं, जहां मेच्योरिटी 1 दिन की होती है. Overnight Fund:   IL&FS लिक्विडिटी क्राइसिस के बाद से निवेयाक लिक्विड म्...

म्यूचुअल फंड में निवेशकों की रुचि बढ़ी, 7 महीने में 77 लाख फोलियो बढ़े, आया 81,000 करोड़ का निवेश

 वित्त वर्ष 2017-18 में 1.6 करोड़ फोलियो, 2016-17 में 67 लाख से अधिक और 2015-16 में 59 लाख फोलियो जोड़े गए थे. म्यूचुअल फंड में निवेशकों की दिलचस्पी लगातार बढ़ती जा रही है. चालू वित्त वर्ष के पहले सात महीने...

म्यूचुअल फंड इंडस्ट्री का एसेट बेस अक्टूबर में 22.23 लाख करोड़ पहुंचा, SIP से आया 7985 करोड़ का निवेश

म्यूचुअल फंड के एसेट बेस में इजाफा हुआ है. म्यूचुअल फंड के अंतर्गत संपत्ति अक्टूबर के अंत तक बढ़कर 22.23 लाख पहुंच गई. म्यूचुअल फंड के एसेट बेस में इजाफा हुआ है. म्यूचुअल फंड के अं...

Mutual fund Recommendations:Franklin India Corporate Debt

What  A debt fund that will invest in corporate bonds Will invest over 80% in instruments with credit rating of AA+ and above Why High yield portfolio with moderate risk Has reduced its credit risk Who Investors looking for FD-plus returns Willing to take moderate risk and hold for 3 years or more These are times when debt mutual funds appear to be operating on the extremes – taking credit risks for higher returns or playing it very safe and compromising on returns. A fund that reduces credit risk at such times, without compromising too much on returns, therefore stands out. We are talking of Franklin India Corporate Debt(earlier called Franklin India Income Builder), one of the few accrual funds with a 20-plus year track record. Post SEBI’s classification norms, this former credit-risk fund now dons a new avatar as a corporate bond fund, with significantly reduced credit risk compared with the last 5-6 years. With a holding of less than 1...

what are the benefits of investing in mutual funds?

A mutual fund is an investment product that pools money from many people and invests it in a wide variety of stocks, bonds, and other investments. They are managed by ‘fund managers,’ who are experts at managing money and investments.  Whether the objective is higher returns,  convenience, or tax saving, mutual funds present the following benefits to investors Diversification Investors enjoy the benefit of asset diversification, when they invest in mutual funds. Diversified portfolios invest in a variety of instruments, from low to high risk, such as bonds, stocks, international securities, etc. Underperformance of one fund can be balanced out by the performance of other funds in the portfolio. Having a diversified portfolio increases the chance of earning higher returns, while minimizing risks. Liquidity One of the biggest advantages of mutual funds is the ability to invest and redeem with relative ease, compared to other instruments. Investors have the...

What is a mutual fund and why should you invest in it?

These days, you’re constantly bombarded with messages every day asking you to invest your money. Be it your parents, your friends, or ads (like AMFI’s  Mutual Funds Sahi Hai  series) on TV and online – everyone has one common message for you: You need to start investing. But with so many options available in the market, how does one decide which way to go? Let us help you decide through an example: Open a FREE Account Now! Imagine you have a time machine and use it to go back in time to 2007. Your plan is to invest some money then, so you get richer in the present day. So, you invest Rs. 1 lakh each in a fixed deposit (FD), in gold and in equity mutual funds. 10 years later, you decide to withdraw that money. You’ll get Rs. 1.92 lakh from your FD, Rs. 2.85 lakh from gold, and Rs. 3.85 lakh from your mutual fund investments, after taxes*. Now ask yourself this: if you were to invest today, which option would you prefer: FDs and gold with lower returns and taxation...

Mutual fund Recommendations: HDFC Small Cap

  What Equity fund investing predominantly in small-cap stocks Why Promise in small-cap segment post market correction and new categorization Maintains a low portfolio churn and contains downsides well Who High-risk investors with a minimum 5-year perspective HDFC Small Cap is a recent addition to our Select Funds list. With a 1-year loss of 0.5%, the fund is among the few small-caps whose 1-year returns aren’t deep into the negative zone. The Nifty Smallcap 100 index has lost 28% in the past year. From the January 2018 high, the index is down 38%. This is a far cry from the phenomenal 61% gain in 2017. Even considering that HDFC Small Cap has held up in this correction, why are we recommending a small-cap fund at this point? Small-cap potential We had so far refrained from stepping up small-cap recommendations even with the rally. The heady rise in small-cap stocks over 2016 and 2017 even when larger stocks were correcting and without match...

SIP: मंथली 3,000 रुपए का निवेश आपको देगा 56 लाख 9 लाख रुपए के निवेश पर मिलेगा 47 लाख रुपए रिटर्न

 आप सिस्‍टमैटिक इन्‍वेस्‍टमेंट प्‍लान यानी (SIP) में में हर माह 3 हजार रुपए निवेश करके लंबी अवधि में बड़ा फंड बना सकते हैं। अगर आप SIP में हर माह 3 हजार रुपए 25 साल तक निवेश करते हैं और ...

सेबी के नियमों के चलते म्‍युचुअल फंड कंपनियां अपनी स्‍कीम्‍स का नाम बदल रही हैं, इसलिए इन्‍हें चेक करना जरूरी है।

सेबी ने पिछले साल अक्‍टूबर में म्‍युचुअल फंड कंपनियों के लिए नए नियम जारी किए थे। अब हर म्‍युचुअल फंड कंपनी इक्विटी और डेट में केवल 36 कैटेगरी में ही स्‍कीम जारी रख सकती है। इसके अलावा म्‍युचुअल फंड स्‍कीम जिस कैटेगरी की होगी उसको अपना निवेश भी उसी हिसाब से करना होगा। सेबी के इन नियमों के चलते म्‍युचुअल फंड कंपनियां अब अपनी स्‍कीम्‍स का नाम बदल रही हैं, और उनकी निवेश की रणनीति भी नए नियमों के हिसाब से तय कर रही हैं। यह प्रक्रिया म्‍युचुअल फंड कंपनियों ने शुरू कर दी है, और अपनी स्‍कीम के नाम बदलना शुरू कर‍ दिया है। इसके साथ ही निवेश की रणनीति भी बदली जा रही है। ऐसे में म्‍युचुअल फंड में निवेश करने वालों के लिए अपडेट रहना जरूरी है, जिससे उनको अच्‍छा रिटर्न मिल सके। निवेश रणनीति बदलने से बदल जाता है रिटर्न फाइनेंशियल एडवाइजर फर्म बीपीएन फिनकैप के डायरेक्‍टर एके निगम के अनुसार इक्विटी म्‍युचुअल फंड में निवेश आमतौर पर अपनी रिस्‍क लेने की क्षमता के अनुसार किया जाता है। ऐसे में अगर म्‍युचुअल फंड स्‍कीम अपनी निवेश की रणनीति बदल रही है तो यह जानना जरूरी है। जैसे HDFC ...

How do I choose a Mutual Fund scheme?

Imagine asking a travel agent, “How should I choose my mode of transport?” The first thing he/she will say is, “Depends on where you want to go.” If I were to travel to a distance of 5 kms, an auto rickshaw might be the best option, while for a journey from New Delhi to Kochi, a flight might be the best. A flight would not be available for a short distance and an auto rickshaw would be highly uncomfortable and slow for a long-distance journey. In Mutual Funds too, the starting point must be- What are your requirements? It begins with your financial goals and risk appetite. You’ve got to identify your financial goals, first. Some Mutual Fund schemes are suitable for short term requirements or goals, whereas some might be better for long term goals. Next comes your risk appetite. Different people would have different risk appetite. Even husband and wife may have joint finances but different risk profiles. Some are comfortable with high risk products, ...

What is the risk of investing in Mutual Funds?

We have all heard:  “Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks.”  Ever wondered what are these risks? Not all risks impact all the fund schemes. The Scheme Information Document (SID) helps understand which risks apply to your selected scheme. So how does the fund management team manage these risks? It all depends on what type of investments the Mutual Fund has invested in. Certain securities are more sensitive to certain risks and some are exposed to some other. Professional help, diversification and SEBI’s regulations help mitigate risks in Mutual Funds. Finally, and the most important question that many investors have asked: Can a Mutual Fund company run away with my money? This is just not possible given the structure of Mutual Funds as well as the strong regulations.

Name of Mutual Fund / Asset Management Company - Website of the AMC

Axis Asset Management Company Ltd. Baroda Pioneer Asset Management Company Ltd Birla Sun Life Asset Management Company Ltd BNP Paribas Asset Management India Pvt Ltd BOI AXA Investment Managers Pvt Ltd Canara Robeco Asset Management Company Ltd Daiwa Asset Management (India) Pvt Ltd Deutsche Asset Management (India) Pvt. Ltd. DSP BlackRock Investment Managers Pvt.  Ltd. Edelweiss Asset Management Ltd Escorts Asset Management Ltd FIL Fund Management Private Ltd Franklin Templeton Asset Management (India) Pvt Ltd. Goldman Sachs Asset Management (India) Pvt Ltd. HDFC Asset Management Company Ltd www.hdfcfund.c...